Call For Abstracts

The ICOPHAI 2017 congress scientific program committee welcomes your abstracts for oral papers, panel presentations, and posters. The submission period is February 15, 2017 - July 31, 2017. All submissions should be made online

Oral Presentations

 Oral presentations provide authors the opportunity to present original work related to conference topics.

  • Oral paper presentations will have 15-minute time slots. The congress organizers will group oral presentations by theme into sessions that will include several short oral presentations and time for questions from the audience.
  • This congress follows the biomedical convention, in that presenters typically use PowerPoint or other slide presentations. It is not necessary that you have a written paper to read/present.
  • Paper presentation abstracts are limited to 300 words.

Panel Presentations

Panel presentations provide authors the option to organize a panel comprising three related presentations.

  • Panel presentation sessions will typically be 75 minutes long, with 45 minutes for presentations and 30 minutes for discussion.
  • A panel abstract must include an part summarizing the overall theme of the panel. Submissions showcasing research papers should also include individual abstracts for each presentation included in the panel. Panel presentations that seek to bring together experts for interactive discussion should describe questions that will addressed by the panel, and underlying issues to be discussed, and should provide short bios for each of the panelists.
  • Panel presentation abstracts are limited to 1200 words total for the panel.

Poster Presentations

The 90-minute poster session provides an interactive forum for authors to discuss their work.

  • Presenters will be assigned locations to put up their posters, which will be organized by topic.
  • Poster boards and pushpins will be supplied, and posters should be attached to the boards for display.
  • Presenters are encouraged to bring 1-page handouts to accompany their posters.
  • Poster presentation abstracts are limited to 300 words and submitted using the COMS online management system, the same way as as oral or panel.

Submission Options

  • Authors must submit abstracts online as indicated above and fill the submission form indicating the preference of the presentation type.
  • Authors are encouraged to submit using the “Paper, Panel or Poster Presentation” option.
  • Panel Presentations must be submitted under “Panel Only” and will not be considered for alternate formats. The number of panel presentations at the congress will be limited, so this option should be used selectively.
  • The ICOPHAI scientific program committee may propose an alternative presentation format, based on the available times in the congress program.

Submission Instructions

All abstracts must be submitted online. The online system will be open from February 15 through June 30, 2017.

  • Oral and poster abstracts are limited to one page (300 words max) while panel abstracts are limited to four pages (1200 words max). Abstracts not meeting these limits will not be considered.
  • Please specify the submission category: “Panel Presentation Only,” “Poster Presentation ”, “Oral Presentation" or indicate other options as shown in the online form.”
  • Abstracts must use one of the following font styles: Times New Roman, Ariam, or Times.
  • The following information must be included in the submitted abstract: presentation/panel title; all author(s)' identifying information, including names, degrees, and institutional affiliations; SciTS topic (see list of topics below); 3 to 5 keywords; and narrative text. Narrative text may include tables and/or figures providing the submission stays within page limits.


  • Acceptance notifications will be made by July 15, 2017.
  • Presenting authors are responsible for registration, travel, and hotel costs.
  • Abstracts will be compiled and made available to participants.
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please withdraw your abstract online and also notify the Congress organizers by sending a message to 

Abstract Template

Corresponding Author, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution, City, State/Province/District, Country; Author #2, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution, City, State/Province/District, Country; Author #N, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution, City, State/Province/District, Country
Corresponding Author Contact Information:, (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Keywords: List three to five keywords each separated by semi-colons. 
Abstract: Narrative text. Tables and figures may be included provided the abstract stays within the page limit. Avoid using jargon and acronyms. Consider including the following information in the abstract, when relevant:

  • Objective, problem under investigation, hypothesis or research goal
  • Description of research methods
  • Summary of findings
  • Statement of how the research advances the field